...and the plot thickens!

I wish that was the last of my struggles, but it wasn't. However the amount of time I lost there is what really killed my chances of finishing. I was so worn out by the time I got back up and going, that I just couldn't push anymore.

But the trail got worse - there came an uphill that just never ended. There were guys strewn all over it. I tackled it in 3 sections, some of them I had to attempt more than once. At the top I nearly passed out due to exhaustion and heat and lack of water. After some more time just trying to survive I got to a fire road that would take me to the next check point. I got there to see Clint Rogers hanging out, so I stopped to ask what was up. He asked if I was still going on - I had 10 minutes left before houring out. I was pooped. A small glimmer of hope told me I should go on to see the grass track, but the last time the back brake went out on me really scared me, and stole all my energy. I decided to wait the 10 minutes and hour out, and then ride back with Clint.

All in all it was an amazing race. Some of the most fun trails I've ever been on, but also some of the toughest and most technical. I loved riding the Blue Tank again, even if I had a lot of difficulty with it. I'll be back next year, hopefully racing, but if not definitely there to spectate and support other racers. It was great seeing some of the Utah fold again, talked with Jeff Boyd and Phat Jimmy and got to know Mike Knight better. All in all an awesome weekend, and my body tells me it was great by how freakin' sore I am.

Big thanks to Paul for letting me ride the Blue Tank again, bringing it up there and getting me all signed up. I got him a lottery ticket and if he wins I'll have paid him back and then some!