Where anger meets brotherhood
With MotoUtah apparently off the air, how about we resurrect this site. :levitate:
So I stumbled across this article today due to a news feed that sends me random stuff all the time. It's not totally related to moto, but I found interesting that the study they reference points out that regular exercise does not undo the negative effects of sitting for long periods of time in a...
I don't normally follow this stuff all that closely, but doay I stumbled across a section with Taddy B. moving his way through it, and all I can say is "..."
Hey everyone, curious to see what internet browser you use when on our site. Thanks!
http://www.actioncam.kuvat.fi/kuvat/Enduro/Juha+Salminen+Espanjan+Mestis+28.03.2010.MOV Not because it's a good angle or great editing, but it's the first helmet cam I've seen where it actually looked like he was going as fast as he probably was. Pretty awesome stuff! :buttrock:
I have 5 test-run Furious bros hats. They are black with our super awesome Fb. logo on them. They are otherwise pretty low-end hats, but comfy. So anyways I says to Mabel I says First five people to 100 posts (Fb administration excepted) will receive a free hat! How awesome is that!?! ...
http://www.leavenworthoktoberfest.com/ Come and join me!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggiYjRelWgc I get tired just thinking about it!
Click for pic of 350SX-F I'm not too keen on the new shrouds...the 08/09 shrouds were much cooler. I'd also like to see the weight specs to see if it actually is lighter (significantly too) than the new 450. But if it is, all it would need is a 6 speed tranny and I'd be sold.
http://www.thumpertalk.com/forum/showthread.php?t=820099 Go to page 5 I think and see the pictures. I. Want. To. Race. This. So. Bad.
Hey Local, how goes it?
http://www.heinenmotorsports.com/husqvarnainventory.html :levitate: :scared:
http://www.nationalhareandhound.com/docs/husq09.pdf The way I read this, is maximum USRA payout for an Open Expert rider would be $1700. That's if you won every race (overall) and won your class. Winning your class at the AMA Nationals wouldn't make a difference because you can't get paid...
So I went back to the KTM website to check it out, and you're right... the specs they have are for the 09, but in the gallery they do show the pic of the 2010. Trying to find more on it.
Good video, lots of footage. Not nearly as much carnage as Round 1 though. Dietrich hurt his foot and didn't race. http://shotmakerproductions.com/2009/08/16/endurocross-round-2-webshow/
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