Thanks for the kind words everyone! It's interesting how Paul and mine's recollection are different as we recall the event! I appreciate the words of support and encouragement. I seem to be getting better emotionally, less waking up at night for sure. Looking forward to getting on the bike again to get some bike healing.
Holy crap Nathan, I am sincerely glad you are OK. It is funny how when faced with death it doesn't seem that scary. I was thrown from a vehicle at hi-way speed and then the truck landed on me. I thought death was likely but I was at peace the whole time. Your dreams and bad thoughts will get better with time. Later, Shannon
It's funny how it only happened 5 days ago and how I'm already questioning my memory of the event. I think the total time from the time I left Nathan to the time I came back to his predicament was about 3 minutes but could have been as much as 5. It was not far that I rode, and it was on an easy road so it didn't take long. As soon as I saw he wasn't there, I waited about 15 seconds before heading back. I initially thought he just ate it on the mud and hit his head knocking himself unconcious as he wasn't moving at all. Interesting you mention taking the helmet off, as I remember it being on until after I cut the rope. The reason I remember it this way is because I figured you would have burned yourself on the muffler had it not been for the helmet mouth guard. But I can't really say for sure either way now. It certainly could have been much worse as it is not uncommon to ride for miles without even looking back to see if the other rider is with me.
That's a pretty screwed up story. I suspect you handled the situation far better than I ever would have. Which is to say, I'd have peed myself and cried like a little bitch. High five to Paul! P.S. ENOUGH WITH THE KIDS, GOSH!